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Stay in the know with tips on protection your home, board up, board up services, board up, board up windows, board up companies 

Shadow Selfie!

Sarah Strader

Shadow Selfie!

So, if a fence falls does it make a sound? What if no one is around to hear it? 

Occasionally, when we roll up on the scene, we have to live up to our company name SLS Property Solutions! We come up with solutions to make things happen. Yes, there are things that we would consider text book. Boarding up a typical window would be one of them. On this property we installed chain link fence.  This secured the property until the fence could be replaced.

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

S. Broadway - Santa Ana

Sarah Strader


This is one of those projects that has been broken into, its an old house, in the middle of a neighborhood. When Code Enforcement needs a property secured, usually because the owner won't or cannot, they call us. Code Enforcement shows up on the site and makes sure that everyone that could be squatting in the property is gone or is in the process or leaving.  They remain on the site with us while we complete securing every entry point that is needing to be secured.  

The main reason the Code Enforcement remains on site with us, is for our safety, as we are on ladders and dragging large sheets of plywood to each opening. They know the neighbored and does not allow anyone back on the site (to potentially surprise us). 

We have a variety of tools and drills and always have on hand several varieties of screws to handle any surface. 

One of our board-up bros favors 3" self tapping screws while using an impact drill. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

View from the TOP!

Sarah Strader

The view form the top! 

Damage to properties comes in all forms.  When something happens to your home, you usually call the insurance company. We get contacted to take care of the issue. This allows you to go through the process of getting further inspections, additional repairs, and dealing with your insurance. 

Our main goal is to prevent further damage, to your home in the interim. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Barton Road - Lot clearing

Sarah Strader

As we have a variety of projects, nothing is out of the question. Lot clearing and weed abatement is one of those things. We are excited that we are able to offer this service to our clients.  We provide a variety of skill sets because our Clients have unique and diverse needs. Occasionally, we are needed on an emergency basis for this type of work, so that our clients can stay in compliance as well as avoiding being fined. 

Don't hesitate to contact us with your unique projects. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Operation Project Hope!

Sarah Strader

For the past several years we have been asked by a close friend and leader ,Cliff Hiroshima, to participate in Operation Project Hope. This is a day of giving by a large group of volunteers in which we are a small part. There is a lot of planing, preparation, and generosity that goes into transforming an Elementary School in a day. 

Operation Project Hope, does this very well. We are proud to continue to give back, with our support and our skills. 

Thank you! 

Site Secure - Over and Out!

Sarah Strader

Site Secure - Over and Out!

A broken door can leave quite a mess, physically and emotionally. Luckily we are quick to respond. We secure the site and clean-up the mess and debris. We are able to work with insurance companies, private homeowners, private and public business owners, the Police and Fire Departments and city and government projects. 

Because we are always ready, we are able to support our clients upon request.

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Plywood Sandwich!

Sarah Strader

Board-Up Sandwich... This is a way to secure a property without damaging the door or window.  It is the board up solution of choice when we have access to the inside of the property.  This allows the property owner to replace the glass and not the whole window or door.

The Police ensure that the site is clear of any mischief so we can perform our work. They remain on site with us until we finish. We do everything we can to make sure the site is secure so the owner can gain access upon returning and schedule the needed repairs. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Cigar's and More - Plywood Sandwich Part 2

Sarah Strader

Board-Up Sandwich... This is a way to secure a property without damaging the door or window.  It is the board up solution of choice when we have access to the inside of the property.  This allows the property owner to replace the glass and not the whole window or door.

The Police ensure that the site is clear of any mischief so we can perform our work. They remain on site with us until we finish. We do everything we can to make sure the site is secure so the owner can gain access upon returning and schedule the needed repairs. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Doughnuts & More! Much More.

Sarah Strader

Another day and other board up, this little shop had just a broken window. When we work with business owners on a main access door, we make an "sandwich" to secure the door which does not damage the door and make repair costs much less.  This type of board-up is only possible when there is access to the inside.  This type of board-up allows the owners to lock and unlock the door, so they do not experience much or any down time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Rinse and Repeat? Not sure thats what this was...

Sarah Strader

Rinse and Repeat? says the shampoo bottle.  However, we're pretty sure that the Fire Department does not use this as a typical business practice.  They needed to repeat this process due to someone breaking in again and catching the building on fire. We have boarded up this building before, because of a previous fire. The Fire Department had cut large wholes to ensure the fire is out, and no smolders are present. 

Luckily this building has been vacant for some time now. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Fill In The Gaps and Lock It UP!

Sarah Strader

Fill in the gaps, and get it under lock and key. Simple enough when your truck is fully loaded. We are always locked and loaded and ready to roll. Projects that we excel at doing, are typically a big deal for the home or business owner. We have a unique skill set - we make it difficult for anyone to break-in when were finished. Some boards-up require a large crew, some just one person, some are revisits. When the police or fire departments call, we show up and lock it down. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Sushi on Fire! This Breakin's on FIRE!

Sarah Strader


Not really, still, the window was broken, which is inconvient for the business owner. 

When the business owner, or responsible party is not available we receive the call from the Police or the Fire Department. We are given a general idea as to what the circumstance will be when we arrive.  The requesting department remains on site with us until the work is completed. As you can imagine this can happen in the wee hours of the morning.  We are glad to be of service.

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

5304... Board up Larger than a door!

Sarah Strader

One of the many March Madness, window smashing. 

Since our trucks are fully stocked and ready to roll, any size project is not to large. With the March Madness project we drove down the street to each storefront that was smashed and boarded up one right after the other.  We have a great relationships with the Police Department as well as the Fire Departments. They know that when they call... we show up! 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Anchor's Away!

Sarah Strader

And the March Madness contuines!!! 

No window is left behind!

We are ready 24/7/365 for any size project that comes our way - rain or shine.  Even the smaller projects do not seem small when someone has an issue like a broken window. When we arrive on site we assess the situation for the materials needed to complete the project. After measuring the openings, we cut the wood to begin boarding up the windows, doors, garages, and even rebuilding corners of buildings, whatever is needed. 

-Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Orange County Mattress

Sarah Strader

One of the many March Madness, window smashing. 

Since our trucks are fully stocked and ready to roll, any size project is not to large. With the March Madness project we drove down the street to each storefront that was smashed and boarded up one right after the other.  We have a great relationships with the Police Department as well as the Fire Departments. They know that when they call... we show up! 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Sleepless in Santa Ana - Board-up Diva in full effect.

Sarah Strader

Sometimes damage occurs when people want a place to sleep. We secured this property for the City of Santa Ana. When they need something like this handled, they call our emergency number and we show up!  

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Contemplating the meaning of LIFE!

Sarah Strader

... Or if spray tanning is a good look. 

Large or small we can literally do it ALL! This was the week one person or people, smashed a window in every storefront on the same street. Luckily for us we work closely with the Long Beach Police Department. They know us, how reliable we are, and that we show up fully loaded and ready to rock. So, although this project was one of many on the same street we had all of the supplies to handle it all on our truck. 

We take pride in working along side our first responder men and women. 

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Accessible? Not when we're DONE!

Sarah Strader

Accessible - has meany meanings. We can guess that they missinterpreted the sign of accessibility to include the window as well. 

Thankfully for us... We can take care of that! 

Bing - Bang - Boom - Board-up.... No longer accessible. 

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Red Light Special

Sarah Strader

Red light special on Willow Street, Long Beach! 

For us this is simple... just to secure the door with a chain and a lock. However, for the business owner who's door has been broken it will no longer lock. This can be a very stressful ordeal for a business owner or a home owner. We are here to the rescue! 

When the police department gets called for an incidence like this or many others, they call us. 

-Stay Safe

#boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

Unique Project Alert - Demolition - Decomposed Granite

Sarah Strader

Unique Project Alert! 

  1. The project is unique for several reason.  This property belongs to the City of Los Angeles
  2.  It resides between 2 private residences. With all the rainfall the land was eroding and sliding into the property below. 

What we did.... the long and the short of it. 

We sunk poles into the ground, then we attached beams to the poles, and constructed tiers which scaling the hillside.  We then compacted the dirt to the City's specifications. 

We needed to add additional dirt to the hill side. Carrying 200 additional bags of decomposed granite weighing about 70lbs each, up the hillside (by hand and backpack harness).

All of the decomposed granite needed to be compacted, covered with and anti erosion net constructed from jute. 

So now the property below is safe and sound. 

-Stay Safe.