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Stay in the know with tips on protection your home, board up, board up services, board up, board up windows, board up companies 

Filtering by Category: 911

Big Window... Little Window, we do it all.

Sarah Strader

A car went through a business window in a office park.  Even though this is a relatively small job for us, we know that it is important to the people who's workplace is being disrupted and in disarray.  We understand the importance of leaving the site secure so that they can schedule repairs. Sometimes getting repairs complete is fast, other times it is much slower. As far as we are concerned, the owners are secure and so are our boards.

We do everything that we can to not damage the window framing or walls. However, our first parity is that the house, office, or property is secure. 


Broken glass, board-up needed.

Sarah Strader

In our line of work no one is free and clean, when it comes to having a potential break-in, broken glass or from someone shooting a bee bee gun into glass windows or someone throwing bricks in a business.  It can be one homeowner or down a whole street. We see sliding doors a lot, we do everything we can to secure them and preventing damage to the door farm. This way the homeowner can just have the glass replaces. However, our first priority is to always secure the property first. 

Basic board up sandwich. Low cal & Low carb.

Sarah Strader

Board-Up Sandwich... This is a way to secure a property without damaging the door or window.  It is the board up solution of choice when we have access to the inside of the property.  This allows the property owner to replace the glass and not the whole window or door.

Once were the site is clear, we get right to work. We do everything we can to make sure the site is secure and glass is removed.  This allows the property owner to have a measure of safety until they can schedule the needed repairs. 


Garage door NO MORE!

Sarah Strader

At SLS Property Solutions, we pride ourselves on living up to our name. We provide Solutions for Properties. We have a very unique business, in that we create unique ways to secure any typer of property.  When this happens, homeowners are upset and just want their home secure. Our goal is to assist in releasing some of their stress.  The owner should be focused on getting the insurance company out rebuild their home. Since, every call is different we have to keep a fully stocked, locked and loaded truck for any situation. 



Sarah Strader

In our line of work no business is safe when it comes to having a break-in, someone shooting a be be gun into glass window, someone throwing bricks in a business, or the occasional car through a building. It can be one business or down a whole street. With this large glass store front, they got lucky with only needing to one section. 

Unfortunately, this is a pretty standard job for us.  No business plans on this happening however, they are now secure and can schedule new glass to be installed. 



Big Hole, Small Hole, Really Big Hole!

Sarah Strader

We never know what we are going to get.  Therefore, we are prepared to secure them all, even an entire warehouse.  Our staff is on the job to secure what ever is needed.


Big... Small... We do it all!

Sarah Strader

So, who do you call when then side of you building..... disappears? 

Well US! 

These photos are not always typical of what we get called for, however if your stuck and don't know what to do. We got your back, and your wall, and the side of your building! 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Quite the Scene for most, another day in the office for us.

Sarah Strader

Sometimes fire affects a whole apartment building.  They all have to be relocated to safe and secure shelter.  We are proud to work closely with the men and women of Long Beach Fire Department, after all we do look like a "Baby Fire Truck" when we roll up on the site. We show up fully loaded ( we can secure anything from a window to an entire apartment building) and ready to get the job done. After all you expect the Fire Department to show up ready to put out the fire. 


Hole in a building? NO PROBLEM!

Sarah Strader

We all know that fires are scary for anyone however; that is not all we "run into".   Sometimes we are called to secure a property that cars have entered.  It is always amazing as to how this happens.  We work with the fire department to give us the "all clear" and our work begins. Our main goal is to secure the property so that it is structurally stable, and prevents break ins.  This gives the property owner or business the time to have the insurance company come out get them back to normal.

Pizza Hut - Has a Drive Through...

Sarah Strader

At SLS Property Solutions, we pride ourselves on living up to our name. We provided solutions for properties. We have a very unique business, in that we work with the Fire Department, Police Department and restoration companies. 

When a drive -through is added to a business, and they don't have a drive-through, its pretty scarry. Our main goal is to secure the property so that people can rebuild, have the insurance company come out, and the property is secured from further damage. 


5304... Board up Larger than a door!

Sarah Strader

One of the many March Madness, window smashing. 

Since our trucks are fully stocked and ready to roll, any size project is not to large. With the March Madness project we drove down the street to each storefront that was smashed and boarded up one right after the other.  We have a great relationships with the Police Department as well as the Fire Departments. They know that when they call... we show up! 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Anchor's Away!

Sarah Strader

And the March Madness contuines!!! 

No window is left behind!

We are ready 24/7/365 for any size project that comes our way - rain or shine.  Even the smaller projects do not seem small when someone has an issue like a broken window. When we arrive on site we assess the situation for the materials needed to complete the project. After measuring the openings, we cut the wood to begin boarding up the windows, doors, garages, and even rebuilding corners of buildings, whatever is needed. 

-Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Orange County Mattress

Sarah Strader

One of the many March Madness, window smashing. 

Since our trucks are fully stocked and ready to roll, any size project is not to large. With the March Madness project we drove down the street to each storefront that was smashed and boarded up one right after the other.  We have a great relationships with the Police Department as well as the Fire Departments. They know that when they call... we show up! 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Sleepless in Santa Ana - Board-up Diva in full effect.

Sarah Strader

Sometimes damage occurs when people want a place to sleep. We secured this property for the City of Santa Ana. When they need something like this handled, they call our emergency number and we show up!  

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Accessible? Not when we're DONE!

Sarah Strader

Accessible - has meany meanings. We can guess that they missinterpreted the sign of accessibility to include the window as well. 

Thankfully for us... We can take care of that! 

Bing - Bang - Boom - Board-up.... No longer accessible. 

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

March Madness!

Sarah Strader

We all know that March Madness is a special time of year. In our world this is a very unique March Madness - six different stores on the same street at the same time were smashed. The madness certainly gripped this person this March. 

The Police ensure that the site is clear of any mischief so we can perform our work. They remain on site with us until we finish. We do everything we can to make sure the site is secure so the owner can gain access upon returning and schedule the needed repairs. 

-Stay Safe


#boardupDiva #boardupBro

Mexican Snadwich?

Sarah Strader

The Mexican Board-Up Sandwich... This is a way to secure a property without damaging the door or window.  It is the board up solution of choice when we have access to the inside of the property.  This allows the property owner to replace the glass and not the whole window or door.

The Police ensure that the site is clear of any mischief so we can perform our work. They remain on site with us until we finish. We do everything we can to make sure the site is secure so the owner can gain access upon returning and schedule the needed repairs. 

-Stay Safe

#boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

Living the Night Life in Long Beach.

Sarah Strader

We are ready 24/7/365 for any size project that comes our way - rain or shine.  Large window and doors are not a issue for us, were are fully stocked and ready to rumble.  When we arrive on site we assess the situation for the materials needed to complete the project. After measuring the openings, we cut the wood to begin boarding up the windows, doors, garages, and even rebuilding corners of buildings, whatever is needed. 

-Stay Safe

#boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

Condo Fire

Sarah Strader

When a fire take a hold of your condo, we are an on-call service provider that comes out 24/7 to secure your home or business, You can rest assured while you are able to work with your insurance company to rebuild and move forward. Your home or business will be secured so that no further damage can occur. We have been working with the Long Beach Fire Department and Long Beach Police Department for several years. They are aware of our quick response time and our diligence with our documentation. We are glad to work with these great service people in Long Beach. 

When it Rains in CA- it pours!

Sarah Strader

When it rains in Southern California, it creates instering situations. What you cannot see in this photo was the "before" a car slid off the road went airborne, and landed nose up leaning on this roof. Truly deifying the laws is physics.  

As more of a storm front moves in we secured this roof from further damage and the second storm front of rain.  

As we know, dealing with insurance companies may not always be imidiate, however we are.  
