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Anchor's Away!


Stay in the know with tips on protection your home, board up, board up services, board up, board up windows, board up companies 

Anchor's Away!

Sarah Strader

And the March Madness contuines!!! 

No window is left behind!

We are ready 24/7/365 for any size project that comes our way - rain or shine.  Even the smaller projects do not seem small when someone has an issue like a broken window. When we arrive on site we assess the situation for the materials needed to complete the project. After measuring the openings, we cut the wood to begin boarding up the windows, doors, garages, and even rebuilding corners of buildings, whatever is needed. 

-Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620