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Stay in the know with tips on protection your home, board up, board up services, board up, board up windows, board up companies 

Stairwell Board-Up

Sarah Strader

We appreciate when our clients call us back for additional work. This job turned into more when our first stairwell was completed and the client appreciated the level of detail. We strive in delivering and exceeding our clients expectations. If you think your job is odd, it is probaly not as odd as you think. We are a solution oriented company who can think outside the box to secure your property.  We can create solutions for your project as well. 

Golden Globe

Sarah Strader

This special project was completed in Northern California, for Caltrans. Honestly we had a lot of fun. Although, it looks like we dug a simple hole and put a flag pole inside. Well, we did. However to make a project look this easy many behind the senses steps have to be coordinated. Such as: a dig alert to notate any exiting gas, water or electrical prior to breaking ground. The coordination of the crane operator to hoist the pole, prepping for the concrete, the framework. All of these steps take leg work and planning to go without a hitch. 

Fuel Tanks - Nor Cal

Sarah Strader

Special Projects, include painting fuel tanks in Northern California for Cal Trans. When we arrive we arrive with all the supplies needed to complete the project on time. When it comes to refinishing these fuel tanks we have to take all of the proper precautions. We have to wear special protective gear for the removal, treatment and the application of the finished layers. We also apply all of the appreciate decals. 

Stay Clean! 

Painting In All The Right Places!

Sarah Strader

We enjoy our special projects, they keep us on our toes. We are a Solution base company, which is why we enjoy this line of work and the diversity of our project portfolio. This specific project we painted the stairs in the breeze way that was leading to a dentist office. 

Fire in Long Beach, CA

Sarah Strader

When a fire hits, it can be quite shocking. Luckily, the Long Beach Fire Department amazing in such emergencies. When we get "the call" from Long Beach Fire Department, we imagine what you must be going through. We feel lucky to be on call for them. We arrive ready to go to work. We  have a fully loaded truck at all times. We have outfitted our trucks to be ready with a variety of tools and equipment. Our motto is to be ready to go at all times. 

We board up windows, doors, and garages to secure the property from any further damage. We have even covered roofs with plywood and rebuild door frames. Our goal is to board up and secure the property so that you can take the next steps in rebuilding. 

Stay Safe! 

Broken Glass

Sarah Strader

When you have a sliding door that gets broken what are the steps that you should take? Sometime, you call the police, and sometimes you call your insurance company. Luckily for you, sometimes, we are contracted by both. We always give an estimated time to arrive on site. We arrive with all of the necessary tools, supplies and staffing to help you with your personal emergency and leave your property clean. This gives you the peace of mind of a secure home and lets you focus on the next steps to have your home repaired. 


Donut Anyone?

Sarah Strader

Anyone in the mood for a drive through Donut? I don't think that the shop owner agreed as this car not only hit the building, but also drove the car though a big part of the store. 

Sometimes, our projects make the news. This one did! Running a 24/7 Emergency service we encounter all kinds of emergencies. Luckily no one was hurt in this accident. We arrived on site about 3:30am.

We began with building some structure to secure a main wall in this donut shop. With a hole this size, we would not have any structure to attach the plywood to, so we build our own. We clean up site debris and broken glass. When the work is completed the store owner has a clean and secure building again. 

When A Car Hits A Building...

Sarah Strader

When a car hits a building, we typically get a call. Sadly, we know this situation a little too well. It does make us the right people for the job.  This allows the property owner to be secure until the can be made. When we show up, the car is not always on the site it has usually been towed off. After we assess the site needs, we proceed with building a reenforced structure. This is additional structure allows us to cover the hole. 

Once we have built the structure we begin covering the hole and clean off any debris and broken materials. 

Another job well done.

Long Beach Fire Department - Apartment Above A Convent Store

Sarah Strader

We are very grateful to work along side our first responder men and women in the different cities where we perform work. This apartment caught on fire and due to the quick response time for the fire department, only this unit caught the brunt of the fire. Although the surrounding units did have some damage, the fire was contained to this uint. Lucky, it did not even travel south to the convince store below. All of the windows needed to be secure from the inside of the apartment, after the fire department ensured the fire and any smoldering remains were out. 

Emergency Board Up!

Sarah Strader

We get called out to properties for a verity of situations. Sometimes its for break-ins, smashed glass, jimmied doors, or evictions and even property closures. We work with a variety of agencies, police, and fire departments, as well as private clients. These clients have a wide spectrum of needs and we work diligently in accommodating our clients requirements. This board up and secured property required additional posted signage when we finished. 

Convince or Not?

Sarah Strader

When a convenient store gets a broken window, it is not a convenient for the owner. When we are called out to board up and secure store fronts we assess the on site needs and since we show up with a fully loaded truck, we are equipped for any size job. This specific project required us to build up some framing to attach and secure our wood. We also clean up all the broken glass and remove the debris and secure the property.  We alway take before and after photos to document our process and work. 

Anthony Roberts Salon - Long Beach

Sarah Strader

When a full storefront window is broken, we rebuild the structure from the inside of the storefront. We take the time to build a proper frame to secure the entire storefront, this ensures the property being secured with the smallest inconvenience to the store owner. Sometimes it can take them a few days to schedule a glass company to come out and replace the broken windows. In the meantime they can continue business with the smallest amount of downtime. 

What do you do when a Tree Limb goes thorough your roof?

Sarah Strader

What do you do when a tree limb goes thorough your roof? Well, you call us of course. We are glad to be contracted through several cities for our on-call emergency services, as well as private clients. We are happy to be the one you call when your in a pickle, your hands are full in dealing with your home owners insurance. We are  glad to be a small part in ensuring your roof is secure so that no further damage can occur. 

Garage Fire- Long Beach (When Life Happens)

Sarah Strader

Accidents happen and we are On-Call with Long Beach Fire Department to handle such events. When life happens and you need to focus on moving forward we are always available for our clients when they need us. As the Fire Department responds 24/7, so do we. After the fire department completed the massive task of putting out this fire, we came out to secure this garage. 

Condo Fire

Sarah Strader

When a fire take a hold of your condo, we are an on-call service provider that comes out 24/7 to secure your home or business, You can rest assured while you are able to work with your insurance company to rebuild and move forward. Your home or business will be secured so that no further damage can occur. We have been working with the Long Beach Fire Department and Long Beach Police Department for several years. They are aware of our quick response time and our diligence with our documentation. We are glad to work with these great service people in Long Beach. 

Board-UP SERVICES, Windows, Fences and More.

Sarah Strader

Occasionally, we have requests to secure properties that have been secured before. Fences that need reinfoecemnt, windows that need to be secured, crawl spaces and other spaces that have been entered after they were once secured. 

Bakersfield - Office Building

Sarah Strader

As our clients need vary, so do our services. In this office park in Bakersfield, CA and the requirements are job specific, as we prepare for this clients requests we pre-paint the board up wood black before arriving on site. We built out additional structures to insure the property security and makes it difficult to re-enter the property. We close off access and enclose the windows maintaining the properties integrity, this maintains a clean esthetic and appearance for anyone passing though. 

Antique Store Board-up

Sarah Strader

A majority of our emergency calls happen in the evening and in the middle of the night. Occasionally we get a call during the day, the benefit for our clients of running a 24/7 services is we are available when they need us. We were called out to board up Vicki's Antiques, part of our emergency services includes our photographs, class cleanup and securing the door until the repairs can be completed. In the mean time the door is secure and they can rest assured the business is safe. 

When it Rains in CA- it pours!

Sarah Strader

When it rains in Southern California, it creates instering situations. What you cannot see in this photo was the "before" a car slid off the road went airborne, and landed nose up leaning on this roof. Truly deifying the laws is physics.  

As more of a storm front moves in we secured this roof from further damage and the second storm front of rain.  

As we know, dealing with insurance companies may not always be imidiate, however we are.  


Special Projects.

Sarah Strader

When we have those Special Project to complete for our clients, it can look a lot of different ways. This project is to be boarded up from the inside out. What was the most important to our client is that it does not look abandoned. The unit needs to be secure, safe and still maintains the curb appeal.