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Buena Park - Board up

Sarah Strader

We work with several companies and city agencies. When we are able to help home owners, we have the skillset to remedy any issue for them.  When anything happens to your home, we know is very personal and we take the utmost care in protecting the place you hold near and dear. 

This gives you the peace of mind to know it is secure and you can schedule repairs. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Site Secure - Over and Out!

Sarah Strader

Site Secure - Over and Out!

A broken door can leave quite a mess, physically and emotionally. Luckily we are quick to respond. We secure the site and clean-up the mess and debris. We are able to work with insurance companies, private homeowners, private and public business owners, the Police and Fire Departments and city and government projects. 

Because we are always ready, we are able to support our clients upon request.

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Better than a deadbolt!

Sarah Strader

Better than a deadbolt! 

When the Long Beach Police are called to the location they do not always know what they are walking into. They remain on site with us until we finish. We boarded up broken doors, clean up broken glass and secure fences with chain and locks. Needing chain and a lock is something that we stock on our trucks all the time.  We also document before and after photos for the police department. This helps the owner know what the damage looked like prior to us securing the property. 

-Stay Safe

Funnel Cakes

Sarah Strader

Late night Funnel Cakes? Pokie-Mon Hunt? Maybe just a random kid breaking windows? The reason does not stop us form coming out to secure the door, and cleaning up the glass on site. We take pride in our commitment to be the exclusive response team to the City of Long Beach, and one call with other cities and privately owned businesses. From one small business to another, we know that down time is costly having your business closed.  It is not an option. We secure the door in a way that still allows the business owner so secure the door. This also gives them the time they need to schedule any repairs and new glass. 

-Stay Safe


Coffee, Pastries, and Broken Glass.

Sarah Strader

Coffee, Pastries, and Broken Glass. Not the most sought after combination at your local coffee shop. Its not on the regular menu here either. Someone else thought that it should be on the midnight specials menu. Since the Long Beach police and the owner disagree with the new menu addition, we get the call to be on site and board up the door and clean up the glass. We do everything that we can to prevent additional damage to the door frame and securing the business simultaneously. This allows the business owner to continue running day-to-day operations and schedule repairs. 

-Stay Safe

Cricket Wireless.... Did the Crickets Chirp?

Sarah Strader

Did the cricket chirp? Well they certainly did at 3:30 a.m.! We work hard for our clients. Not many people hear the phone ring at 3 a.m.  We are always ready to go when "the call" comes in from Long Beach Police Department. This Wireless Store had a broken front door, so we board it up in a way that allows them to keep the store locked. This allows the store to coordinated with there insurance and a glass company to get the repairs completed. Sometimes the repair is very quick, occasionally this takes a day or two. They can still service their clients in the meantime.


-Stay Safe  

As seen on KCAL 9 & KCBS

Sarah Strader

When on an early morning fire call or police board-up its not uncommon for the news to cover the story. Occasionally you will see us in the background working with the firefighters or police while securing the property. On a recent call in Los Angeles, we had the pleasure to meet one of the people that work so hard to bring you the up-to-date news, this is David Lopez of KCAL 9 and KCBS! 

Sleepless in Redondo Beach

Sarah Strader

Redondo Beach Police Department is a new addition to our service package, and we are glad to be a part of their support team. This project required that we secure several windows and a door.  Per usual we arrive fully loaded for any size project. We have seen this so many times yet we handle each with the same. The owner can feel violated and unsafe, we take care in make the homes and business secure from further damage. 

Stay Safe- 


Sarah Strader

Subway Eat Fresh! For some reason someone wanted to eat fresh when they were closed. So much so that they broke a long bottom window to gain access to healthy eating. As usual, when we get the call that something like this has happened, we arrive on site with a fully loaded truck, and the ability to secure the business against further damages.  We also clean up the broken glass. The method that we use to secure the window allows them to just have the glass replaced without further damage to the window frame. 

Stay Safe-

Saving Grace

Sarah Strader

When your building floods and your restoration company is drying out the office. This process can sometimes take days.  Who can stay and monitor this process 24/7?  Not many people. We enjoy partnering with different types of restoration companies, and in this case we were able to provide service in tandem with the restoration company. As we secure the doors, the building can still become dry and is secure in the process. We boarded up around the drying tubes. 

When a building has a flood, the drying process should not be stoped to lock the building, the risk of mold is too high. This can cause a large chain reaction of problems if drying is interrupted. 

Stay Safe- 

Emergency in Long Beach -911

Sarah Strader

When duty calls. When an emergency arrises. We take off to save the day of the business owner. As every small and large business does not anticipate to have break-ins or arrive to work with broken glass. Sometimes it happens. We are lucky to be the ones that save the day. When we get the call from 911 we arrive on site within an hour to secure and clean up the glass. 

We pay special attention to doors opening and gates being able to be secured over the board-up. 

The most important thing to any business owner is the ability to be "Open" for business. Now they can still be open, as they schedule the glass repairs. 

Stay Safe-