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Filtering by Tag: red truck

Another Day Another Door (& Window)

Sarah Strader

We got you covered.... We do about a dirty dozen per week of either a window or a door, sometimes like this one... BOTH. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Buena Park - Board up

Sarah Strader

We work with several companies and city agencies. When we are able to help home owners, we have the skillset to remedy any issue for them.  When anything happens to your home, we know is very personal and we take the utmost care in protecting the place you hold near and dear. 

This gives you the peace of mind to know it is secure and you can schedule repairs. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Accidents Happen.

Sarah Strader

When accidents happen, at your home, your first call is typically your insurance, or to a repair company. We are proud to work with several companies that support insurance companies. We know how important your home is to you. Keeping your family and your home safe are your top priorities. Ours is to secure the window, door, or anything else that needs to be secured until you can schedule the repairs. To schedule repairs and replacement glass typically takes a few days. This way its locked up tight. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

5304... Board up Larger than a door!

Sarah Strader

One of the many March Madness, window smashing. 

Since our trucks are fully stocked and ready to roll, any size project is not to large. With the March Madness project we drove down the street to each storefront that was smashed and boarded up one right after the other.  We have a great relationships with the Police Department as well as the Fire Departments. They know that when they call... we show up! 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620