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Filtering by Tag: Los Angles

Operation Project Hope!

Sarah Strader

For the past several years we have been asked by a close friend and leader ,Cliff Hiroshima, to participate in Operation Project Hope. This is a day of giving by a large group of volunteers in which we are a small part. There is a lot of planing, preparation, and generosity that goes into transforming an Elementary School in a day. 

Operation Project Hope, does this very well. We are proud to continue to give back, with our support and our skills. 

Thank you! 

Unique Project Alert - Demolition - Decomposed Granite

Sarah Strader

Unique Project Alert! 

  1. The project is unique for several reason.  This property belongs to the City of Los Angeles
  2.  It resides between 2 private residences. With all the rainfall the land was eroding and sliding into the property below. 

What we did.... the long and the short of it. 

We sunk poles into the ground, then we attached beams to the poles, and constructed tiers which scaling the hillside.  We then compacted the dirt to the City's specifications. 

We needed to add additional dirt to the hill side. Carrying 200 additional bags of decomposed granite weighing about 70lbs each, up the hillside (by hand and backpack harness).

All of the decomposed granite needed to be compacted, covered with and anti erosion net constructed from jute. 

So now the property below is safe and sound. 

-Stay Safe. 

Finger Licken' GOOD~

Sarah Strader

Finger Licken' GOOD~

Local KFC restaurant had a broken window at 3:54 am.  Since this is outside of normal business hours, we get the call from Long Beach Police Department to come and secure the door.   Small or large projects we treat them all with the same level of care and detail. This allows the business owner to schedule the necessary repairs and still remain open for business. 

-Stay Safe

Los Angles Demolition

Sarah Strader

Los Angles Demo Project. We completely enjoy new, different, and challenging projects. This was a great opportunity to work with the City of Los Angles. As you might know in Southern California, we do not get a lot of rain so when we do we must take precautions. This included us remaining off site on rain days. We needed to secure the open ground with 10 mil plastic and sand bags to keep the site somewhat dry. 



As seen on KCAL 9 & KCBS

Sarah Strader

When on an early morning fire call or police board-up its not uncommon for the news to cover the story. Occasionally you will see us in the background working with the firefighters or police while securing the property. On a recent call in Los Angeles, we had the pleasure to meet one of the people that work so hard to bring you the up-to-date news, this is David Lopez of KCAL 9 and KCBS!