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Filtering by Category: Special Projects

Unique Project Alert - Demolition - Decomposed Granite

Sarah Strader

Unique Project Alert! 

  1. The project is unique for several reason.  This property belongs to the City of Los Angeles
  2.  It resides between 2 private residences. With all the rainfall the land was eroding and sliding into the property below. 

What we did.... the long and the short of it. 

We sunk poles into the ground, then we attached beams to the poles, and constructed tiers which scaling the hillside.  We then compacted the dirt to the City's specifications. 

We needed to add additional dirt to the hill side. Carrying 200 additional bags of decomposed granite weighing about 70lbs each, up the hillside (by hand and backpack harness).

All of the decomposed granite needed to be compacted, covered with and anti erosion net constructed from jute. 

So now the property below is safe and sound. 

-Stay Safe. 

Debris Removal - You call - We Haul!

Sarah Strader

No one likes it when "stuff" gets dropped on their property, parking lot, or business. Who do you actually call? Well you can US! We work hard for all of our clients, Public and Private clients alike. 

We are happy to assess your projects needs. 

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Helping Our Clients Feel Secure.

Sarah Strader

We help our clients fee more secure, from tapping the roof to securing the windows. The weather can have a harsh effect if it stays exposed. We work hard to leave the project secure and able to be restored. 

If a wall falls down and no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Sarah Strader

Well, what do you think? Would a 20' heigh x 24' wide wall make a sound? 

We think it absolutely, because our phone rang! Not the same kind of noise, we know. However when we get the call, we respond. This was a late safety issue for the City of Long Beach and we responded the someday to evaluate the situation. 


Secure what matters.

Sarah Strader

When it comes to securing what matters, what comes to mind? Your house, your windows, your doors, your fence maybe? 

What a about your Hot Water? Not something that many people think about until it does not work. For this complex we have done just that, we constructed custom water heater cages for the entire complex. This secures any tampering, steeling or any other playful acts that could come about. 

Here are some photos of what we constructed. Completely custom cages to secure assets.