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Filtering by Tag: pad lock

Better than a deadbolt!

Sarah Strader

Better than a deadbolt! 

When the Long Beach Police are called to the location they do not always know what they are walking into. They remain on site with us until we finish. We boarded up broken doors, clean up broken glass and secure fences with chain and locks. Needing chain and a lock is something that we stock on our trucks all the time.  We also document before and after photos for the police department. This helps the owner know what the damage looked like prior to us securing the property. 

-Stay Safe

Break-in and no ones home?

Sarah Strader

What happens when no-one is home and you have a break-in? What happens is someone calls the poliece or your alarm company calls. Then the 911 dispatch calls us, as we run a 24/7/365 emergency board-up.  We get called out for a varity of projects. Large and small - we do it all. 

We are honored to work along side our men and women of service that keep our cities safe.

Stay Safe-