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Filtering by Tag: police line

Safe and Secure!

Sarah Strader

Not all of our emergency calls are fire related, massive break-ins, a car in a building or are on the news.  However, they are important to our the store owners and to the city. We treat all of our calls with the same level of importance. This emergency call was easy enough to secure with a hasp and a lock. 

Keeping Long Beach Safe and Secure - One Door At A Time.

Stay Safe-

Break-in and no ones home?

Sarah Strader

What happens when no-one is home and you have a break-in? What happens is someone calls the poliece or your alarm company calls. Then the 911 dispatch calls us, as we run a 24/7/365 emergency board-up.  We get called out for a varity of projects. Large and small - we do it all. 

We are honored to work along side our men and women of service that keep our cities safe.

Stay Safe- 

Police Line Do Not Cross

Sarah Strader

On occasion we receive a call for a break-in, a door or a window. Maybe even nothing was taken. We take our responsibility seriously. We know how important your personal property and belongs can be to you. We guarantee to arrive onsite in 60 minutes or less, to meet our 911 on-site contact and begin to secure the site.