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Filtering by Tag: downtown long beach

Furniture & Mattresses - Midnight Flash Sale!

Sarah Strader

Midnight flash sale? Even though the store proudly displays "sale" signage we don't think the owners intended for a midnight flash sale. When a store owner is vandalized in the middle of the night. The police are contacted, in this case it was the Long Beach Police Department. We do everything we can to support the business we secure, by securing the windows and doors without adding any additional damage to the mullions of structure. By having a speedy and structured response time, methods and being prepared for any size call, we are able to help business be open even in the mist of scheduling for repairs. 


-Stay Safe

Long Beach -Vs- Everyone Else (clothing store)

Sarah Strader

When a Long Beach clothing store gets a broken window, we are on our way - SLS to the rescue! Once again, even a small broken widow can leave a business owner feeling vunerable and exposed. Luckily, we understand how important it is to secure even the small windows and doors. 

Now the business owner can open and continue with business as usual while they schedule to have the glass replaced. 

From one small business to another.

Stay Safe- 

3AM in Long Beach are you awake?

Sarah Strader

At 3 a.m. in Long Beach, are you awake? We sure are! When someone breaks a window, in the wee hours in of the morning it needed to be boarded up. The reasons why we board things up are vast. To prevent the culprit form returning after everyone has cleared out, to secure the property, to prevent further damage, or to give the owner piece of mind. We secured this window to not cause further damage to the frame. This way the property owner can just have the glass replaced. We do our best to prevent further repairs, such as replacing the whole window frame. We make sure that it is secure and not easy to regain entry to the property until repairs can be scheduled.

Stay Safe- 

911 Fire

Sarah Strader

Long Beach Fire Department stays busy and so do we. When the fire department has completed their rigorous inspection to ensure all smolders are completely extqinshed. We can now begin to close up the property. A good bit of the time we are doing this in the evening, late night, and wee morning hours. We are fully equipped with lights, head lamps and backup generators. We work until the site is secure. 


Stay safe.  

Late Night Nails & Eats

Sarah Strader

Occasionally when we get a emergency call, and the location is a business complex for several shops the damages can spill over from one business to another. This site visit showed that two  business had broken glass on entry doors. As we usually do, we secure the doors, so that repairs can be scheduled. We clean up the exterior of the site to be free and clear of broken glass and debris related to the break in. 

Anthony Roberts Salon - Long Beach

Sarah Strader

When a full storefront window is broken, we rebuild the structure from the inside of the storefront. We take the time to build a proper frame to secure the entire storefront, this ensures the property being secured with the smallest inconvenience to the store owner. Sometimes it can take them a few days to schedule a glass company to come out and replace the broken windows. In the meantime they can continue business with the smallest amount of downtime. 

Board-UP SERVICES, Windows, Fences and More.

Sarah Strader

Occasionally, we have requests to secure properties that have been secured before. Fences that need reinfoecemnt, windows that need to be secured, crawl spaces and other spaces that have been entered after they were once secured. 

Do Not Enter

Sarah Strader

Do not enter. On occasion we are called and asked to arrive on site, for boarding up a door. When we arrive, we are always greeted by the police officer or the fire department, depending on the situation. 

They remain with us until the work is complete. This project was to board up and secure a door. We added assertional wood to the frame of the door and secured the door sized plywood to our framing. This leaves the least amount of scaring to the door frame and makes the site extremely secure, making it extremely difficult for gaining access. 

Police Line Do Not Cross

Sarah Strader

On occasion we receive a call for a break-in, a door or a window. Maybe even nothing was taken. We take our responsibility seriously. We know how important your personal property and belongs can be to you. We guarantee to arrive onsite in 60 minutes or less, to meet our 911 on-site contact and begin to secure the site. 

How much is that Car in the Window?

Sarah Strader

When you think, ah just another typical day at the work. Then a car backs up in full speed and comes through the glass and into your work. Sometimes the completely unexpected happens. What do you do? Who do you call? This happens more than you think. 

Long Beach Mural

Sarah Strader

Special Projects keep us on our toes. We truly welcome a challenge project and this one was extra sweet. We were recruited to work on a large mural that runs through downtown Long Beach. There has been construction going on in downtown and this mural was being damages. We helped rebuild it, secure its structure and worked with a local Orange County artist to enhance and restore the famous mural.