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Filtering by Tag: well stocked truck

Runaway Trailer

Sarah Strader

What do you do when a trailer comes unhitched, rolls towards your house, crashes into your house and breaks a few windows? Improbable yet not impossible. Who do you call? 911? Your insurance company? Luckily sometimes we are contracted with both. This way you have a better chance to get the best quality service to help you in your times of unexpected emergency.   This project consisted of closing up the broken windows, the glass and securing the windows with plywood. We "sandwiched" the wood so the window frame would not be damaged and the homeowner can simply get new glass. 

Stay safe.  



911 Fire

Sarah Strader

Long Beach Fire Department stays busy and so do we. When the fire department has completed their rigorous inspection to ensure all smolders are completely extqinshed. We can now begin to close up the property. A good bit of the time we are doing this in the evening, late night, and wee morning hours. We are fully equipped with lights, head lamps and backup generators. We work until the site is secure. 


Stay safe.  

Fire Emergency

Sarah Strader

Fire can take a hold of a property quickly. As the fire department works virigiously to extinguish the fire. We received the call and dispatched our team with a truck equipped with all supplies (sometimes two trucks) to close up and secure the property. A homeowner or business owner has a lot to deal with, that is why we are contacted to secure and enclose the property from any further damages. This gives you time to regroup.  

Stay safe out there!