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Filtering by Tag: emergency leak

Skylight -not- H20 Light

Sarah Strader

When the rain comes to Southern California, we know that it shows us issues, and not just on the roads. As we do not get rain most of the year, when we do it shines a large light on the small issues with our homes and businesses. 

These skylights were not intended to be a water feature. When we are able to get on the roof to tarp the skylights (as we do not climb on roofs in the rain, for safety reasons) we secure them from the rain and elements. 

Now these lovely clients have a Ocean Blue color in the skylight. (AKA- Blue Tarp) 

Stay Dry- 

Saving Grace

Sarah Strader

When your building floods and your restoration company is drying out the office. This process can sometimes take days.  Who can stay and monitor this process 24/7?  Not many people. We enjoy partnering with different types of restoration companies, and in this case we were able to provide service in tandem with the restoration company. As we secure the doors, the building can still become dry and is secure in the process. We boarded up around the drying tubes. 

When a building has a flood, the drying process should not be stoped to lock the building, the risk of mold is too high. This can cause a large chain reaction of problems if drying is interrupted. 

Stay Safe- 

We got you Covered!

Sarah Strader

As we know living in Southern California, when it rains the few times that it does in our sunny land, it can show us where leaky seams are in roofs. For this client we put a tarp over the entire roof. This eliminates any further water damage through the roof to the home's interior. Now the homeowner and get the roof inspected and repairs can be made when the weather is dry and clear. (no pokie-mon were found or caught on this roof)

Stay Safe- 

When it Rains in CA- it pours!

Sarah Strader

When it rains in Southern California, it creates instering situations. What you cannot see in this photo was the "before" a car slid off the road went airborne, and landed nose up leaning on this roof. Truly deifying the laws is physics.  

As more of a storm front moves in we secured this roof from further damage and the second storm front of rain.  

As we know, dealing with insurance companies may not always be imidiate, however we are.  


Raise the Roof!

Sarah Strader

We get lots of calls for lots of different things, when OC gets any kind of rain it opens a can of worms for some of our clients. We like mixing it up and working on all types of projects. We are happy when we can help clients stop a problem from becoming worse and protect their businesses.