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Filtering by Tag: hasp and lock

What would you do?

Sarah Strader

To arrive home and find your beautiful holiday wreath hanging on the door and its open... must be frighting. A million things going though you head. You were not even the one who found your house like this. We would say luckily for you, you were not home when it happened. We were called out and secured this place. Some jobs even the small ones are very important to the owner.  To have their place secured again, while people are traveling and away is a very important job that we do not take lightly. 

Stay Safe-  

Safe and Secure!

Sarah Strader

Not all of our emergency calls are fire related, massive break-ins, a car in a building or are on the news.  However, they are important to our the store owners and to the city. We treat all of our calls with the same level of importance. This emergency call was easy enough to secure with a hasp and a lock. 

Keeping Long Beach Safe and Secure - One Door At A Time.

Stay Safe-