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Stay in the know with tips on protection your home, board up, board up services, board up, board up windows, board up companies 

Fire in Long Beach... Baby Fire Truck is on the MOVE!

Sarah Strader

We are proud to work closely with the service men and women of Long Beach Fire Department, after all we do look like a "Baby Fire Truck" when we roll up on the site. Ready for any size job. We show up fully loaded and ready to get the job done when we arrive. After all you expect the Fire Department to show up ready to put out the fire. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Better than we found it!

Sarah Strader

At SLS Property Solutions, we pride ourself on living up to our name. We provided Solutions for Properties. We have a very unique business, in that we work with the Fire Department, Police Department and the companies that Insurance companies source to restoration work to. 

Fires are scary for anyone, once we are called we wait at sideline for the "all clear" from the fire department, then our work begins. Our main goal is to secure the property so that people can rebuild, have the insurance company come out, and the property is secured from further damage. 


We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Large or Small... They always call!

Sarah Strader

Large or small... they always call. We are glad they do. 

Even though this is a relatively small job for us, we know that it is important to the person who is dealing with the damage. We know the importance of leaving the site secure so that they can schedule repairs. Sometimes getting repairs complete is fast, other times it is much slower. As far as we are concerned, they are secure and so is the board. 

We do everything that we can to not damage the window framing or walls. Our first parity is that the house, office, or property is secure. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Property Solutions is in our name... and thats the name of the game!

Sarah Strader

Property Solutions is in our name... and thats the name of the game! 

Ever project is unique and different, and mostly in the middle of the night. Which is why we have a fully load set of trucks ready for any size and scale. Occasionally, we are called back to the same site when additional damage occurs. We have been to this site twice before.

Sometimes things happen at that unexpected hour.  We roll out, and light up the work site as needed. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Fire in Long Beach...

Sarah Strader

As we know, to well, accidents happen. Be sure to take procautions to check your smoke detectors, have a fire extinguisher, and have an exit plan for you and your family. 

If you have children, teach them how to use the fire extinguisher and how to call 911 in case of an emergency.  Knowing the difference between something they can extinguish or calling 911 is crucial. 

Getting out of the house is the most important thing to remember. 

-Stay Safe

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Open and Shut!

Sarah Strader

What we are known for is being reliable, and showing up ready to work the moment we arrive on site. We always check in with the Fire or Police, to make sure we are clear to go to work as well as the property being clear for us to enter and begin. 


Our truck are always stocked and ready to be called into action. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

A fire is brewing in Long Beach

Sarah Strader

We are proud to work closely with the fire men and women of Long Beach Fire Department.   After all we do look like a "Baby Fire Truck" when we roll up on the site. We are ready for any size job. We show up fully loaded and ready to get the job done. After all you expect the Fire Department to show up ready to put out the fire. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Hollywood Hills - Los Angles Demolition

Sarah Strader

We specialize in creative solutions to all of our projects. 

This one was so very specific that no large equipment was allowed on this project due to the potential landslide affect. The ground was already not sound, which is why this projcet arose in the first place. Worried that the property could slide down the hill to a main inlet to the community. 

You can bet we did enjoy the view of the hills and the city in the distance. 


We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Sherwin Williams

Sarah Strader

Sherwin Williams motto has been - "Cover the Earth", we don't think they meant, with broken glass. Lucky for them we can get them secured to get back to what they do best. We show up with a fully stocked truck and ready for any size job. We will need to understand what motivates people to break windows or break in, however it keeps us busy. "We Got YOU Covered" SLS

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Slauson Ave. Part 3

Sarah Strader

We have seen this too many times, as a fire can damage one house, it can also do more damage to an apartment complex or multi family building. It is very sad to see however, everyone got out with minor injuries. We are proud to get the call from one of our service providers to respond and board up projects for them. We understand that these families have been through a lot at this point. So securing the building so no further damage can be done is what we do. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Another Day Another Door (& Window)

Sarah Strader

We got you covered.... We do about a dirty dozen per week of either a window or a door, sometimes like this one... BOTH. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

First Street Board Up Diva & Board Up Bro in Full Effect

Sarah Strader

Board Up Diva is out in FULL force to measure twice and cut once. We show up with lots of material, tools, and saws on our trucks ready for any size job! Call  us and you will see, were ready 24/7.

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Slauson Ave. Part 2

Sarah Strader

We have seen this too many times, as a fire can damage one house, it can also do more damage to an apartment complex or multi family building. It is very sad to see, however everyone got out with only minor injuries. We are proud to get the call from one of our service providers to come and board up projects for them. We understand that these families have been through a lot at this point. So securing the building so no further damage can be done is what we do. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

K Pasta

Sarah Strader

A typical night for us, however not so typical for a business owner who has gone home for the night. Leaving the the door secure so the business owner can schedule repairs and new glass. Now they can remain open. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time.

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Bracing Buena Park

Sarah Strader

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time.  When something comes crashing through a wall, who do you call... typically your insurance company, or 911. Luckily for you we work with companies contracted through your insurance as well as 911 in several cities. We got you COVERED! 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Slauson Ave. Fire

Sarah Strader

We have seen this too many times, as a fire can damage one house, it can also do more damage to an apartment complex or multi family building. It is very sad to see, however everyone got out with minor injuries. We are proud to get the call from one of our service providers to come and board up projects for them. We understand that these families have been through a lot at this point. So securing the building so no further damage can be done is what we do. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

2605 Board Up Bro working beyond 9-5

Sarah Strader

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

Board up BRO is on call even after you are closed. He works with Public and Private entities to keep the cites secure and businesses open, while they schedule repairs. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Do Not Enter

Sarah Strader

We have a very unique skill set that allows us to have a wide verify of skills to service a variety of needs. With a 15 + years in Property Management, we understand the importance of securing property and assets. This project is a perfect example. 

Occasionally, we board up projects that have had a large fire, or have been condemned, or been abandoned and need to be secured.  Each project has unique circumstances and needs to be secured in different ways. This is done to prevention of injury, further damage, or prevent break-ins.

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Buena Park - Board up

Sarah Strader

We work with several companies and city agencies. When we are able to help home owners, we have the skillset to remedy any issue for them.  When anything happens to your home, we know is very personal and we take the utmost care in protecting the place you hold near and dear. 

This gives you the peace of mind to know it is secure and you can schedule repairs. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620

Accidents Happen.

Sarah Strader

When accidents happen, at your home, your first call is typically your insurance, or to a repair company. We are proud to work with several companies that support insurance companies. We know how important your home is to you. Keeping your family and your home safe are your top priorities. Ours is to secure the window, door, or anything else that needs to be secured until you can schedule the repairs. To schedule repairs and replacement glass typically takes a few days. This way its locked up tight. 

We get creative on the spot and come up with a way to fix, repair, or adjust to a situation or a need. This is our strong suit, its truly what we are known for. Well that, and being on time. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

For non- emergencies fill out our form below: or you can send us an email at

For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620