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Filtering by Category: 911

Helping Our Clients Feel Secure.

Sarah Strader

We help our clients fee more secure, from tapping the roof to securing the windows. The weather can have a harsh effect if it stays exposed. We work hard to leave the project secure and able to be restored. 

Under Lock and Key!

Sarah Strader

Yes, we do come out and secure doors. Not every project required a board-up. Some just need an extra layer of protection. 

Tight Spaces

Sarah Strader

When others think that it cannot be done. We can do it. We are a custom to working in tight spaces and giving piece of mind to securing the property. 

Do Not Enter

Sarah Strader

Do not enter. On occasion we are called and asked to arrive on site, for boarding up a door. When we arrive, we are always greeted by the police officer or the fire department, depending on the situation. 

They remain with us until the work is complete. This project was to board up and secure a door. We added assertional wood to the frame of the door and secured the door sized plywood to our framing. This leaves the least amount of scaring to the door frame and makes the site extremely secure, making it extremely difficult for gaining access. 

Police Line Do Not Cross

Sarah Strader

On occasion we receive a call for a break-in, a door or a window. Maybe even nothing was taken. We take our responsibility seriously. We know how important your personal property and belongs can be to you. We guarantee to arrive onsite in 60 minutes or less, to meet our 911 on-site contact and begin to secure the site. 

Secure as secure can be.

Sarah Strader

Accidents happen and we are on-call and ready to help when they do. When the coast is cleared by 911 emergency services we take over and board-up and secure the property so that no further damage can occur. 

How much is that Car in the Window?

Sarah Strader

When you think, ah just another typical day at the work. Then a car backs up in full speed and comes through the glass and into your work. Sometimes the completely unexpected happens. What do you do? Who do you call? This happens more than you think.