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Filtering by Tag: wall rebuild

Fire Emergency

Sarah Strader

Fire can take a hold of a property quickly. As the fire department works virigiously to extinguish the fire. We received the call and dispatched our team with a truck equipped with all supplies (sometimes two trucks) to close up and secure the property. A homeowner or business owner has a lot to deal with, that is why we are contacted to secure and enclose the property from any further damages. This gives you time to regroup.  

Stay safe out there!  

If a wall falls down and no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Sarah Strader

Well, what do you think? Would a 20' heigh x 24' wide wall make a sound? 

We think it absolutely, because our phone rang! Not the same kind of noise, we know. However when we get the call, we respond. This was a late safety issue for the City of Long Beach and we responded the someday to evaluate the situation.