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Filtering by Tag: south broadway

S. Broadway - Santa Ana

Sarah Strader


This is one of those projects that has been broken into, its an old house, in the middle of a neighborhood. When Code Enforcement needs a property secured, usually because the owner won't or cannot, they call us. Code Enforcement shows up on the site and makes sure that everyone that could be squatting in the property is gone or is in the process or leaving.  They remain on the site with us while we complete securing every entry point that is needing to be secured.  

The main reason the Code Enforcement remains on site with us, is for our safety, as we are on ladders and dragging large sheets of plywood to each opening. They know the neighbored and does not allow anyone back on the site (to potentially surprise us). 

We have a variety of tools and drills and always have on hand several varieties of screws to handle any surface. 

One of our board-up bros favors 3" self tapping screws while using an impact drill. 

- Stay Safe

24/7/365 #boardupDIVA #boardupBRO

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For your emergencies: call our 24/7 emergency number 714-609-9620